1.- Presentation of the Portal and use of the website.
These General Conditions (hereinafter the "General Conditions") regulate the use of all the services of the portal (hereinafter the "Portal") that the company Investleading Consulting and Management, S.L. makes available to Internet users and which may be modified at any time.
Additionally, users are subject to any particular conditions, notices or instructions that are previously brought to their attention in relation to specific content or services, to supplement the provisions of these General Conditions as soon as they do not oppose them.
By the mere use of the Portal the user acquires the following commitments and obligations:
- The express and unreserved acceptance of the general and particular conditions, resulting from which the owner of the Portal reserves the right to refuse access to the website, if he does not expressly accept these conditions.
- Do not use the Website for illegal purposes or effects, damaging the interests or rights of third parties, as well as prevent the normal enjoyment of the Website to other users.
- Do not destroy, alter or, in any way, damage the data, programs or documents found on this website.
- Make lawful use of the content of the website in good faith.
- Refrain from obtaining or attempting to obtain any type of content, whether texts, graphics, drawings, sound files, images or photographs, videos, software and in general any kind of material accessible through the Portal or services, for their own use.
- Be liable for damages caused to the owner of the website or to third parties for improper use.
- In the event that you wish to register, you will be responsible for the information that you provide is tender and truthful and in the case that you have assigned a password or user will be responsible for guarding the same, committing to make a diligent and confidential use.
2.- Ownership of the Portal.
According to Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the company that owns this portal and the basic conditions of use of it are identified.
a). - Identification of the holder:
Company: Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L with registered office at Calle Luis Vives nº 6, 5, Valencia (Spain), C.P. 46003 y CIF B-988.40697. (hereinafter Investleading)
Registration: Mercantile Register of Valencia, Volume 10.145, Folio 38, Sheet V-171550.
Corporate object: real estate intermediation, real estate consultancy and management of real estate projects among others.
The user is warned that Investleading is not the real estate developer of any of the projects listed here, but only a marketer of third-party homes, and in some cases a real estate consultant on request.
b). - Intellectual and industrial property
All contents as well as names, logos, trademarks and databases accessible on the web pages of the Portal are subject to industrial and intellectual property rights of Investleading, or third party holders who have consented to their display.
In no case does access to the Portal imply the renunciation, transmission or transfer, in whole or in part, of the aforementioned rights, nor confers the right of use or use, alteration, exploitation, total or partial reproduction, distribution or public communication about the contents or goods of industrial property, without the prior and express authorization of Investleading, or of the third-party holder of the rights previously made known to Investleading, except the right to view and capture details for the private, personal and exclusive use of the user, whose right must always be exercised in accordance with the principles of good faith and applicable law.
3.- Regime of liability
a). - General considerations:
The information on this website does not intend or imply:
- An offer to enter into a contractual or binding relationship with companies linked to Investleading.
- Offer, invitation or proposal to purchase products or services from companies linked to Investleading or from third parties.
b). -Regarding the abnormal functioning of the Portal or services.
Investleading does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Portal, its services and its contents; nor is it responsible for damages, of any nature, which may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the Portal or any of its services, or to the failure to access the different websites of the Portal or those from which certain services are provided.
If it is reasonable and technically possible, Investleading will give prior notice of any interruptions in their operation.
c). As to the graphic information displayed on the Portal
All the graphic documentation included on this website, either own or third party, is merely indicative and therefore not contractual or binding. And they are only intended to present you with approximately the projects so if you think it might be of interest you should contact us to specify and confirm the information reliably.
In the case of new construction, the designs of the promotions do not show the final details of the cantilevers and terraces, enclosures, lighting, etc , since sometimes it is necessary to modify them as the promotion is developed, well for technical reasons, administrative or commercial.
In the case of properties of banks/servicers, the information shown is the one provided by the entity, the data are updated periodically. It is possible that there is some error in the information, so the prospective buyer will have to be properly advised to analyze the assets.
The photographs, illustrations, computer graphics, virtual tours, designs, maps and information contained on this website are merely indicative and therefore there may be substantial differences between the designs, the technical characteristics and products published on this website with those of the final product. The illustrations shown are digitally produced generic impressions of how promotion is projected to be and are therefore merely indicative. The details and external finishes can vary between the different types of dwellings, and vary significantly between the different projects, as well as not part of the images that are projected decoration elements.
Also approximate are the measurements or references in terms of dimensions shown in the illustrations, being these approximate data, so although we make every effort to ensure that they are as accurate as possible, so if you think it might be a product of your interest you should ask the website owner for detailed information.
Any reference to products or services provided or organized by Investleading or any other related company does not imply any guarantee that such product or service is available at all times. Changes or improvements to such products or services may be made at any time without notice.
The prices at which the dwellings are marketed and the annexes displayed on the website are price ranges calculated on the basis of each promotion, and are approved at the time of publication, but they are not binding as long as a specific agreement is concluded and the reservation is formalised in accordance with the protocols of action established by the company.
Any furnishing accessories, whether furniture, textile elements or exterior or interior coverings are not part of our standard specifications or the products offered.
Regarding any divergence between the information contained in our website and the information deduced from your agreement with the company, the latter shall prevail.
d). - Third-party content and services
Investleading is in no case responsible, either directly or subsidiarily, for any content, information, communication, opinion or manifestation of any kind that originates in the user or third persons or entities and that is communicated, disseminate, transmit or exhibit through the services of the Portal.
The Portal makes available to users technical link devices, whether links, directories or search tools, which allow access to websites or sites that are managed by third parties. Investleading, does not exercise any ownership over them, and does not market or offer the contents and services they contain, therefore does not assume any direct or subsidiary responsibility over such websites or sites.
e). - For new work, regarding the terms and explanations used in our commercial information
1). - On the offer of co-design or participation in the design of your home:
We collect information from those interested in each of the promotions through different communication channels, whether from the web, conversations with customers, surveys or questionnaires, market studies, individual and collective work sessions etc. The content of the information collected shall be treated as mere guidelines of market demand, without being binding, nor is there any obligation to take them into consideration, being this decision of free will of the Promoter.
All this information that is collected, together with the technical information, administrative and urban planning, serves as input for the design of the project, without in any case implying a commitment to implement them or to replace or supplant the tasks of the Optional Directorate or any of the subjects involved in the constructive process.
2). -Proposal to develop more sustainable and healthy housing, and generally environmental improvements.
Our homes are designed and run in a more sustainable and healthy way, without Investleading or the promoting companies having any responsibility in the design and execution of the work and without the level of commitment to link with the environment is the decision of the end customer or user of the website. The foregoing does not prevent the obligation of compliance in this regard, including obtaining certain sustainability certificates, or certain constructive solutions, such as interior ventilation with renovation and air purification, which a priori could be healthier with proper maintenance of the facilities.
Investleading or project promoters are exempt from all responsibility, not to apply the constructive considerations proposed to him if they are not legally imposed but with the commitment to keep the client informed of the constructive solutions that he considers relevant, without any obligation as to whether the project or housing is ultimately more sustainable or healthier.
3.-Legislation and Jurisdiction
These General Conditions, as well as any relationship arising from the Portal is understood to be made in Spain at the domicile of the company that owns the website and is governed by Spanish law, subject to the Jurisdiction of the Courts of Valencia any dispute, claim or controversy raised by the same, renouncing any other jurisdiction, jurisdiction or legislation that may be applicable.
4.- Address for notification purposes
For any questions regarding the general conditions, users can contact the following email address [email protected] or by writing to the registered office indicated.
In the same way, the user who has provided his email, recognizes and signals for communications and notifications the aforementioned address, received any notification that is sent to that email address and recognition as a valid language between the parties
5.- Disclaimer
All the information required in RD 515/1989 of 21 April, on Consumer Protection as regards the Information to Be Provided in the Purchase and Lease of Homes, is available to our customers in our offices located in Calle Luis Vives, 6, 5, Valencia. (Spain).
As for the regulations and procedure on the treatment and protection of data we inform you that you can consult the same in the section concerning the privacy policy, and that we have a manual of procedure available to the customer, as well as the possibility of exercising their rights as indicated in the cited texts that can be accessed through this website free of charge.
When you fill out any data collection form on this website, please be aware that by doing so, you are accepting that the data you provide us, including your image and IP address, will be incorporated into our files, and you are also accepting the existence of the specific conditions for processing your data without time limitation.
In order to comply with the duty to provide information about the personal data collected, we inform you that the file manager and data processor is Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L., domiciled at Calle Luis Vives, 6, 5, 46003 Valencia and with NIF B-98840697.
Likewise, we inform you that the processing of your data will only be carried out after obtaining your express and informed consent and for the purpose of managing the hiring of our real estate products and services, to better understand your interests and needs in order to provide the greatest possible personalization, and to send you commercial offers or promotions that we believe may be of interest to you.
We assume that all personal data that you may have provided us with, as well as data provided by third parties with your consent, are true, complete and accurate, so it is your responsibility to inform the company of any modifications to them.
- Compliance with Regulations
In processing such data, Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L., complies with the guidelines of Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, the European General Data Protection Regulation and other current regulations at all times, and ensures correct use and processing of the user's personal data.
In compliance with this regulation, we inform you that Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L., maintains a security manual and all its employees, collaborators and associated personnel are aware of its content and are obliged to comply with said regulations and the processes established in said security manual, having taken the necessary measures to maintain the required level of security, according to the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the processing, in order to prevent, as far as possible and always according to the state of the art, their alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access.
On the other hand, we remind you that, at all times, regarding the data you provide us with, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, restriction of processing and portability of your personal data by sending a written and signed communication to the file manager, Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L., attaching a copy of your ID/passport for proper identification purposes. You can send such communication (a) by postal mail to the attention of the Data Protection Officer and to the address indicated above, or (b) by sending an email to the following address: [email protected]. Finally, you can obtain more detailed information about how we process your personal data by accessing our online privacy policy at the following link: PRIVACY POLICY
- Transfer to Third Parties
Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L. will not transfer your personal data except when it is a legal obligation or when you expressly authorize it beforehand. However, in order to provide you with our services, our employees, collaborators such as technicians, salespeople, suppliers, individuals or legal entities who own properties or companies contracted to collaborate in management, will have access to your data, which will not be considered a transfer of your data, although they will be subject to Investleading's security manual.
When you fill out any data collection form on this website, please be aware that by doing so, you are accepting that the data you provide us, including your image and IP address, will be incorporated into our files, and you are also accepting the existence of the specific conditions for processing your data without time limitation.
In order to comply with the duty to provide information about the personal data collected, we inform you that the file manager and data processor is Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L., domiciled at Calle Luis Vives, 6, 5, 46003 Valencia and with NIF B-98840697.
Likewise, we inform you that the processing of your data will only be carried out after obtaining your express and informed consent and for the purpose of managing the hiring of our real estate products and services, to better understand your interests and needs in order to provide the greatest possible personalization, and to send you commercial offers or promotions that we believe may be of interest to you.
We assume that all personal data that you may have provided us with, as well as data provided by third parties with your consent, are true, complete and accurate, so it is your responsibility to inform the company of any modifications to them.
- Compliance with Regulations
In processing such data, Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L., complies with the guidelines of Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, the European General Data Protection Regulation and other current regulations at all times, and ensures correct use and processing of the user's personal data.
In compliance with this regulation, we inform you that Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L., maintains a security manual and all its employees, collaborators and associated personnel are aware of its content and are obliged to comply with said regulations and the processes established in said security manual, having taken the necessary measures to maintain the required level of security, according to the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the processing, in order to prevent, as far as possible and always according to the state of the art, their alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access.
On the other hand, we remind you that, at all times, regarding the data you provide us with, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, restriction of processing and portability of your personal data by sending a written and signed communication to the file manager, Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L., attaching a copy of your ID/passport for proper identification purposes. You can send such communication (a) by postal mail to the attention of the Data Protection Officer and to the address indicated above, or (b) by sending an email to the following address: [email protected]. Finally, you can obtain more detailed information about how we process your personal data by accessing our online privacy policy at the following link: PRIVACY POLICY
- Transfer to Third Parties
Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L. will not transfer your personal data except when it is a legal obligation or when you expressly authorize it beforehand. However, in order to provide you with our services, our employees, collaborators such as technicians, salespeople, suppliers, individuals or legal entities who own properties or companies contracted to collaborate in management, will have access to your data, which will not be considered a transfer of your data, although they will be subject to Investleading's security manual.
When you fill out any data collection form on this website, please be aware that by doing so, you are accepting that the data you provide us, including your image and IP address, will be incorporated into our files, and you are also accepting the existence of the specific conditions for processing your data without time limitation.
In order to comply with the duty to provide information about the personal data collected, we inform you that the file manager and data processor is Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L., domiciled at Calle Luis Vives, 6, 5, 46003 Valencia and with NIF B-98840697.
Likewise, we inform you that the processing of your data will only be carried out after obtaining your express and informed consent and for the purpose of managing the hiring of our real estate products and services, to better understand your interests and needs in order to provide the greatest possible personalization, and to send you commercial offers or promotions that we believe may be of interest to you.
We assume that all personal data that you may have provided us with, as well as data provided by third parties with your consent, are true, complete and accurate, so it is your responsibility to inform the company of any modifications to them.
- Compliance with Regulations
In processing such data, Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L., complies with the guidelines of Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, the European General Data Protection Regulation and other current regulations at all times, and ensures correct use and processing of the user's personal data.
In compliance with this regulation, we inform you that Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L., maintains a security manual and all its employees, collaborators and associated personnel are aware of its content and are obliged to comply with said regulations and the processes established in said security manual, having taken the necessary measures to maintain the required level of security, according to the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the processing, in order to prevent, as far as possible and always according to the state of the art, their alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access.
On the other hand, we remind you that, at all times, regarding the data you provide us with, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, restriction of processing and portability of your personal data by sending a written and signed communication to the file manager, Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L., attaching a copy of your ID/passport for proper identification purposes. You can send such communication (a) by postal mail to the attention of the Data Protection Officer and to the address indicated above, or (b) by sending an email to the following address: [email protected]. Finally, you can obtain more detailed information about how we process your personal data by accessing our online privacy policy at the following link: PRIVACY POLICY
- Transfer to Third Parties
Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L. will not transfer your personal data except when it is a legal obligation or when you expressly authorize it beforehand. However, in order to provide you with our services, our employees, collaborators such as technicians, salespeople, suppliers, individuals or legal entities who own properties or companies contracted to collaborate in management, will have access to your data, which will not be considered a transfer of your data, although they will be subject to Investleading's security manual.
1.- Presentation of the Portal and use of the website.
These General Conditions (hereinafter the "General Conditions") regulate the use of all the services of the portal (hereinafter the "Portal") that the company Investleading Consulting and Management, S.L. makes available to Internet users and which may be modified at any time.
Additionally, users are subject to any particular conditions, notices or instructions that are previously brought to their attention in relation to specific content or services, to supplement the provisions of these General Conditions as soon as they do not oppose them.
By the mere use of the Portal the user acquires the following commitments and obligations:
- The express and unreserved acceptance of the general and particular conditions, resulting from which the owner of the Portal reserves the right to refuse access to the website, if he does not expressly accept these conditions.
- Do not use the Website for illegal purposes or effects, damaging the interests or rights of third parties, as well as prevent the normal enjoyment of the Website to other users.
- Do not destroy, alter or, in any way, damage the data, programs or documents found on this website.
- Make lawful use of the content of the website in good faith.
- Refrain from obtaining or attempting to obtain any type of content, whether texts, graphics, drawings, sound files, images or photographs, videos, software and in general any kind of material accessible through the Portal or services, for their own use.
- Be liable for damages caused to the owner of the website or to third parties for improper use.
- In the event that you wish to register, you will be responsible for the information that you provide is tender and truthful and in the case that you have assigned a password or user will be responsible for guarding the same, committing to make a diligent and confidential use.
2.- Ownership of the Portal.
According to Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the company that owns this portal and the basic conditions of use of it are identified.
a). - Identification of the holder:
Company: Consultoría y Dirección Investleading, S.L with registered office at Calle Luis Vives nº 6, 5, Valencia (Spain), C.P. 46003 y CIF B-988.40697. (hereinafter Investleading)
Registration: Mercantile Register of Valencia, Volume 10.145, Folio 38, Sheet V-171550.
Corporate object: real estate intermediation, real estate consultancy and management of real estate projects among others.
The user is warned that Investleading is not the real estate developer of any of the projects listed here, but only a marketer of third-party homes, and in some cases a real estate consultant on request.
b). - Intellectual and industrial property
All contents as well as names, logos, trademarks and databases accessible on the web pages of the Portal are subject to industrial and intellectual property rights of Investleading, or third party holders who have consented to their display.
In no case does access to the Portal imply the renunciation, transmission or transfer, in whole or in part, of the aforementioned rights, nor confers the right of use or use, alteration, exploitation, total or partial reproduction, distribution or public communication about the contents or goods of industrial property, without the prior and express authorization of Investleading, or of the third-party holder of the rights previously made known to Investleading, except the right to view and capture details for the private, personal and exclusive use of the user, whose right must always be exercised in accordance with the principles of good faith and applicable law.
3.- Regime of liability
a). - General considerations:
The information on this website does not intend or imply:
- An offer to enter into a contractual or binding relationship with companies linked to Investleading.
- Offer, invitation or proposal to purchase products or services from companies linked to Investleading or from third parties.
b). -Regarding the abnormal functioning of the Portal or services.
Investleading does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Portal, its services and its contents; nor is it responsible for damages, of any nature, which may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the Portal or any of its services, or to the failure to access the different websites of the Portal or those from which certain services are provided.
If it is reasonable and technically possible, Investleading will give prior notice of any interruptions in their operation.
c). As to the graphic information displayed on the Portal
All the graphic documentation included on this website, either own or third party, is merely indicative and therefore not contractual or binding. And they are only intended to present you with approximately the projects so if you think it might be of interest you should contact us to specify and confirm the information reliably.
In the case of new construction, the designs of the promotions do not show the final details of the cantilevers and terraces, enclosures, lighting, etc , since sometimes it is necessary to modify them as the promotion is developed, well for technical reasons, administrative or commercial.
In the case of properties of banks/servicers, the information shown is the one provided by the entity, the data are updated periodically. It is possible that there is some error in the information, so the prospective buyer will have to be properly advised to analyze the assets.
The photographs, illustrations, computer graphics, virtual tours, designs, maps and information contained on this website are merely indicative and therefore there may be substantial differences between the designs, the technical characteristics and products published on this website with those of the final product. The illustrations shown are digitally produced generic impressions of how promotion is projected to be and are therefore merely indicative. The details and external finishes can vary between the different types of dwellings, and vary significantly between the different projects, as well as not part of the images that are projected decoration elements.
Also approximate are the measurements or references in terms of dimensions shown in the illustrations, being these approximate data, so although we make every effort to ensure that they are as accurate as possible, so if you think it might be a product of your interest you should ask the website owner for detailed information.
Any reference to products or services provided or organized by Investleading or any other related company does not imply any guarantee that such product or service is available at all times. Changes or improvements to such products or services may be made at any time without notice.
The prices at which the dwellings are marketed and the annexes displayed on the website are price ranges calculated on the basis of each promotion, and are approved at the time of publication, but they are not binding as long as a specific agreement is concluded and the reservation is formalised in accordance with the protocols of action established by the company.
Any furnishing accessories, whether furniture, textile elements or exterior or interior coverings are not part of our standard specifications or the products offered.
Regarding any divergence between the information contained in our website and the information deduced from your agreement with the company, the latter shall prevail.
d). - Third-party content and services
Investleading is in no case responsible, either directly or subsidiarily, for any content, information, communication, opinion or manifestation of any kind that originates in the user or third persons or entities and that is communicated, disseminate, transmit or exhibit through the services of the Portal.
The Portal makes available to users technical link devices, whether links, directories or search tools, which allow access to websites or sites that are managed by third parties. Investleading, does not exercise any ownership over them, and does not market or offer the contents and services they contain, therefore does not assume any direct or subsidiary responsibility over such websites or sites.
e). - For new work, regarding the terms and explanations used in our commercial information
1). - On the offer of co-design or participation in the design of your home:
We collect information from those interested in each of the promotions through different communication channels, whether from the web, conversations with customers, surveys or questionnaires, market studies, individual and collective work sessions etc. The content of the information collected shall be treated as mere guidelines of market demand, without being binding, nor is there any obligation to take them into consideration, being this decision of free will of the Promoter.
All this information that is collected, together with the technical information, administrative and urban planning, serves as input for the design of the project, without in any case implying a commitment to implement them or to replace or supplant the tasks of the Optional Directorate or any of the subjects involved in the constructive process.
2). -Proposal to develop more sustainable and healthy housing, and generally environmental improvements.
Our homes are designed and run in a more sustainable and healthy way, without Investleading or the promoting companies having any responsibility in the design and execution of the work and without the level of commitment to link with the environment is the decision of the end customer or user of the website. The foregoing does not prevent the obligation of compliance in this regard, including obtaining certain sustainability certificates, or certain constructive solutions, such as interior ventilation with renovation and air purification, which a priori could be healthier with proper maintenance of the facilities.
Investleading or project promoters are exempt from all responsibility, not to apply the constructive considerations proposed to him if they are not legally imposed but with the commitment to keep the client informed of the constructive solutions that he considers relevant, without any obligation as to whether the project or housing is ultimately more sustainable or healthier.
3.-Legislation and Jurisdiction
These General Conditions, as well as any relationship arising from the Portal is understood to be made in Spain at the domicile of the company that owns the website and is governed by Spanish law, subject to the Jurisdiction of the Courts of Valencia any dispute, claim or controversy raised by the same, renouncing any other jurisdiction, jurisdiction or legislation that may be applicable.
4.- Address for notification purposes
For any questions regarding the general conditions, users can contact the following email address [email protected] or by writing to the registered office indicated.
In the same way, the user who has provided his email, recognizes and signals for communications and notifications the aforementioned address, received any notification that is sent to that email address and recognition as a valid language between the parties
5.- Disclaimer
All the information required in RD 515/1989 of 21 April, on Consumer Protection as regards the Information to Be Provided in the Purchase and Lease of Homes, is available to our customers in our offices located in Calle Luis Vives, 6, 5, Valencia. (Spain).
As for the regulations and procedure on the treatment and protection of data we inform you that you can consult the same in the section concerning the privacy policy, and that we have a manual of procedure available to the customer, as well as the possibility of exercising their rights as indicated in the cited texts that can be accessed through this website free of charge.